Noragami is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Adachitoka. The story revolves around Yato, a minor god who lacks a shrine, and Hiyori Iki,...
Noragami is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Adachitoka. The story follows Yato, a minor god who dreams of becoming famous, and his human...
The show follows their daily lives as they go to school and hang out with their friends. While the show does have some ecchi moments, it...
The Kiss X Sis series is a popular watch order among teenagers. This watch order is about two step-sisters who fall in love with the same...
The No Game No Life series is one of the most popular anime series out there. With a total of 6 seasons and an movie, it’s...
Violet Evergarden Series Watch Order Who doesn’t love a good series? With multiple books and an upcoming anime, there’s no shortage of Violet Evergarden series to...
Non Non Biyori Series Watch Order Non Non Biyori is one of those anime series that you can watch over and over again and never get...
Kamichu! is a series of Anime that are based around the life of a boy named Yuta. The show follows his everyday adventures as he tries...
Kamichu! Series Watch Order Kamichu! is a series of Anime that are based around the life of a boy named Keiichi Matsuda, who experiences supernatural events....
Fans of the Clannad anime series have been eagerly awaiting the release of the game and visual novel adaptations, which are set to come out this...